Encontro em Tallin – projeto Many cultures, one technology

Tudo começou no dia 2 de fevereiro de 2014, quando fomos para o aeroporto do Porto e iniciamos a nossa aventura. Foi logo no check-in que se verificou que o cartão de cidadão do Vítor estava caducado. Felizmente, tudo foi resolvido! Logo de seguida, embarcamos num voo direto para Frankfurt. Quando chegamos ao aeroporto de Frankfurt, fomos almoçar. Depois de três horas de espera nesse aeroporto, fomos, destemidos, para a Estónia. Durante o voo, deram-nos a informação que não podíamos aterrar lá, porque a pista do aeroporto estava gelada e, por isso, fomos para o aeroporto da Finlândia. Quando fomos receber as malas, outra aventura: a mala do Tiago tinha um cheiro insuportável, pois tinha partido uma garrafa de bebida alcoólica que era oferta para os nossos anfitriões.

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Meeting in Guimarães, by Portuguese students

Our adventure began on 11th November, 2014. After having some meetings in some of the countries participating in this project, it was our turn to welcome all. On Sunday, the 10th of November, most of Portuguese students met the foreign students they were receiving in their homes. The Spaniards arrived around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the Italians arrived around 8:30 in the evening and the Estonians arrived at midnight.

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Encontro em Abação – projeto Many cultures, one technology

A nossa aventura começara no dia 11 de novembro. Depois de já se terem realizado alguns encontros em alguns dos países que participam neste projeto, era a nossa vez de dar a conhecer o nosso património, Portugal. Durante aquela tarde de domingo a maior parte dos alunos portugueses iria conhecer os estudantes que durante uma semana teria o privilégio de receber nas suas casas. Primeiro, chegaram os espanhóis por volta das 14h00, depois foi a vez dos italianos por volta das 20h30 e, por fim, os últimos nesse dia, os estonianos que já chegaram tarde, perto das 00h00.

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Encontro em Lekėčiai – projeto Many cultures, one technology

Saímos da escola na segunda-feira, dia 6 de maio, e seguimos viagem ao Porto, onde começou para alguns de nós a primeira experiência aérea. Voamos do Porto para Frankfurt e de seguida para Vilnius na Lituânia. O professor Dainius esperava por nós na famosa carrinha amarela, para nos levar até à escola, onde nos encontraríamos com os nossos anfitriões.

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Meeting in Bytom, by Portuguese students

Our arrival at Poland was around 20:30 pm, after a long travel by plane, with a stop in London. We were received by teacher Greg and we met the hosting families in the school. José Luis Freitas, from the ninth grade class A, stayed in Krzysztof’s flat. His family was really nice, welcoming and helpful. He had a sister and a guinea pig. Cristina Ribeiro, from the ninth grade class A, stayed in Robert Peter’s flat. She had a very welcoming and impeccable family. André, from the ninth grade class D, stayed in a flat at the fifth floor, with Alexsander’s family, they were welcoming and cool. He had a brother and two fish. He also had the opportunity to be with an Estonian student that stayed in the same flat he did, his name was Olgar. Lúcia, from the eighth grade class B, stayed in Michael’s flat, his family was very nice, friendly, funny and welcoming. This family had a dog named Bello and a squirrel. Francisco, from the eighth grade class B, stayed with Andrezc, his family was really nice, amazing and spectacular. They had a black and brown stripped cat, with him stayed Lustas another student. Every student had the chance to be with the families outside their houses doing leisure activities like: going bowling, playing billiards, table soccer, and ice skating (among others).

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